Make a difference from anywhere in B.C.
Not able to join the Sports Celebrities Festival in person? No problem!
Support athletes with intellectual disabilities by participating in the online auction or $10,000 raffle. Your generous bids will help Special Olympics BC create empowering connections, open hearts and minds to inclusion, and break down barriers in 55 communities throughout the province.
Thank you for your help in making a difference!
Place your life-changing bid
Bid on a wide variety of items from travel to hospitality experiences, autographed memorabilia to sporting events, housewares to fashion.
Stay tuned for a sneak peek of some of the exciting items we’ll have.
The online auction opens Friday, November 1 at 12:00 pm. The auction site will be accessible through The auction closes Tuesday, November 5 at 9:00 pm.
Interested in donating an auction item? Visit our auction donation page.
Treat yourself to a $10,000 shopping spree at Palladio
Buy your raffle tickets for a chance to win a $10,000 shopping spree at Palladio Jewellers. For over half a century, Palladio has earned the distinction of being Vancouver’s premier jeweller, renowned for originality in design, award-winning craftsmanship and impeccable service.
The raffle ticket site will be accessible through Stay tuned for more details!